Friday, June 10, 2011


Have any of you seen the movie 'Tangled' form Disney? There's a scene in that movie where thousands of lanterns are released into the sky at night. It is absolutely breathtaking, and I found out, they actually do this in real life! In Thailand it's a tradition to do this once a year. I have to go see this sometime.. Adding it to my list of things to experience. 
Just look at this video. Gives me the goosebumps. There are many more on Youtube.
What are some things you'd like to experience in your life?

Love and lanterns,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

here comes the sun♡

Today's weather is amazing. Blue sky, bright sunshine, no wind and heat!! I'm so psyched that it's finally summer! 'm going to lie out here in my garden all day and try to forget about some of the weird things and semi stupid mistakes I made last night while out with my friends.. I can be such a phone number-slut when I'm drunk, hehe..
When you're drunk, how do you change? Like, what kind of people du you end up talking to, how do you end up acting, where do you end up going etc.. I think it's weird how a thing like alcohol can change a person for a shorter period of time..

Apart from the alcohol and some tiny bites of a (delicious) cake from the party before going out last night, my diet is going great! But I have to stop calling it a 'diet'. It's just a new lifestyle. Anywho, it's going great! I run almost every day and can feel how I'm getting better and more persiverant. Awesome!
And I eat more vegetables and fruit. I'm so proud of myself, haha.. And the best thing? It's changed my mood - so I'm starting to feel happier♥

Have a great day in the sun!
Love and sunscreen,


Thursday, June 2, 2011


It's such a beautiful day. I started it off by laying out in the sun for a while. Fell asleep because I haven't been able to fall asleep at night lately.. But mommy came and woke me up so it's all good!
Maybe I should take a shower and then head out for a long walk. Hopefully I can get to bring my sister's camera along. It takes the most gorgeous pictures! -Well, depending on what you're shooting, of course..

I hope you all had a beautiful morning! I'll be posting some photos on here sooner, hopefully!
Just wanted to say good morning :)

Love and tanning-lines,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

it starts today

Two months. One diet. One total makeover. One goal.
 -That sounded like some lame trailer for a cheesy American movie. Oh well, the plan is; I'll start my diet and workout plan today so I'll be happy with myself in time for the U.S-trip which is in August. Wish me luck!
I'm feeling motivated, confident and determined - all good signs! I'm even on my way for a run now!
I'll run every single day, do strengthening exercises, go for a long walk some days, and make sure I exercise as much as I can in every other way (dancing, riding my bike etc.)
Now, for the other part of my plan; eating habits. Oh, those have always been the nr. 1 reason I am not happy with myself. Honestly, it's getitng old.. But it shouldn't be that hard.. Eat when you're hungry, stop once you're full. Eat what's good for your body. There. It's as simple as that.

But guys, I still need help when it comes to staying motivated - any advice? What do you do when it becomes hard for you to keep focus? How do you keep on track when it gets tough? Please, i need help. I cannot blow it this time♥

Love and running shoes,


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So, you made a decision to finally change something; about yourself, about something else in your life, whatever. You know that if you hang in there, eventually you'll see results. But then.. once you've started working on the problem.. some time has passed by, and suddenly you get a sudden urge to go back to your old, safe ways of living and screwing your new plan.. What do you do to stay motivated? How do you stay focused on your plan and sticking with it?
I need some advice, guys.. I'm desperate.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

summer, ❤

are you all just as excited as I am?
.. and I'd give everything to be able to do it all with you by my side ❤


So this morning I woke up around 11.30 am. Went downstairs, and there it was. A pizza box, just standing there on the stove. I could sense it was full of leftover pizza from last night, when I didn't eat anything and let the others go crazy and order takeout.
Of course I ended up eating all the leftover pizza, and continued with eating other things I could find in the fridge. Decided to write about it, I kind of have to teach myself that I can't hide my binge-eating incidents anymore.
My reaction at first was: You stupid bitch. I know I shouldn't eat stuff like that, I know it's wrong, and I know that being fit is more important to me than eating. But I figured, hey, it's not even 2 pm yet. I still have time to work out and burn of most of what I just consumed. I will work out for the next two months every single day, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself just because it's hard to start out on this diet. I know I have a deadline, but what's done is done, I shouldn't beat myself up about it.
Thinking positive is new to me. But hopefully it works. What I have to look forward to now is a 5K run, Tracy Anderson's Mat Workout, and hopefully some ass-kickin' zumba!! Bring it on, bitches!

Last night my best friend and I went to the midnight premiere of The Hangover Part II. Holy shit, it was funny! It did not disappoint at all. The funniest part was that they stuck to the original plot and progress of the story. The characters had not changed at all, which was great to see. I'm not sure if the jokes and most of the surprising events were as fun and crazy as the ones in the first movie, but that might just have been because of my high expectations for the movie.
I loved it, and laughed my ass off. And I did not eat a thing all day. A day to be proud of!!
I kind of rock.

Love and new shoes,


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I need them. I do not own a pair of cute, everyday shoes. Dammit. But hey, what better excuse to buy new shoes than the change of seasons? Summer is a time for sandals, heels, and flip flops (not too fond of those)! If only I had the money to buy the shoes I want. That problem has in some way always stopped me from being able to create my perfect style and look. Hopefully that will change when I get a job somewhere..

So, after getting done with my workout for the day I will go shoe hunting! Going out tonight with my best friend - midnight showing of 'The Hangover 2' - and I want to wear something else than my worn-out, purple Converse. I love them to death, don't get me wrong, but I want to wear something-- more girly. Something with an actual heel.

Come to think of it, I actually need a new wardrobe. Not kidding, I hate everything I own, clothes-wise. Aren't I a picky little monster? It'll all have to wait til I get a job. But it can't hurt to look..
What is your must-have for the upcoming summer??

..I also need makeup.

Love and eyelash-curlers,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011