Thursday, May 26, 2011


So this morning I woke up around 11.30 am. Went downstairs, and there it was. A pizza box, just standing there on the stove. I could sense it was full of leftover pizza from last night, when I didn't eat anything and let the others go crazy and order takeout.
Of course I ended up eating all the leftover pizza, and continued with eating other things I could find in the fridge. Decided to write about it, I kind of have to teach myself that I can't hide my binge-eating incidents anymore.
My reaction at first was: You stupid bitch. I know I shouldn't eat stuff like that, I know it's wrong, and I know that being fit is more important to me than eating. But I figured, hey, it's not even 2 pm yet. I still have time to work out and burn of most of what I just consumed. I will work out for the next two months every single day, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself just because it's hard to start out on this diet. I know I have a deadline, but what's done is done, I shouldn't beat myself up about it.
Thinking positive is new to me. But hopefully it works. What I have to look forward to now is a 5K run, Tracy Anderson's Mat Workout, and hopefully some ass-kickin' zumba!! Bring it on, bitches!

Last night my best friend and I went to the midnight premiere of The Hangover Part II. Holy shit, it was funny! It did not disappoint at all. The funniest part was that they stuck to the original plot and progress of the story. The characters had not changed at all, which was great to see. I'm not sure if the jokes and most of the surprising events were as fun and crazy as the ones in the first movie, but that might just have been because of my high expectations for the movie.
I loved it, and laughed my ass off. And I did not eat a thing all day. A day to be proud of!!
I kind of rock.

Love and new shoes,



  1. You should watch the movie "the secret" or read the book and learn how you can get a nice life and a positiv attitude with only your thoughts :) its amazing i promise!! Life is not about being sad and negative but its about having fun and being happy :D!! everyone can make it even when bad things happpens! :)

  2. wauw thank you so much!! I'll definitely start looking for it! I agree with you 100%, life's too short to focus on the bad things :)
